caffeine causes lump in breast

caffeine causes lump in breast
Drinking coffee is bad on a woman's breast | Healthy Our Body.Breast lumps could be caused by a number of factors, and most are not linked to breast. Some women find avoiding caffeine and salt helps relieve symptoms.

Breast lumps - Cancer - Body & Health.
Breast lump - Treatment - NHS Choices.
NHS Direct Wales - Encyclopaedia : Breast lump.
All About Breast Lumps - Breast Cancer A to Z.
The most common causes of breast pain and lumps are breast cancer. Caffeine and fat reduction can help alleviate benign symptoms in some women.
Compiled by Breast Cancer Options from a variety of sources. However, this study did not prove that parabens cause breast tumors. .. caffeine and getting breast cancer; in fact, some research suggests that caffeine may lower your risk.
What Causes Breast Lumps? - Self Help Sexuality.
caffeine causes lump in breast
What Are the Common Causes of Breast Pain and Lumps?