can i substitute caster sugar for icing sugar

The recipe says 'superfine sugar', could I substitute either.
Powdered sugar peanut butter cookies? - Yahoo! Answers.
can i substitute caster sugar for icing sugar
Can you substitute powdered sugar with icing sugar - WikiAnswers.Used icing sugar instead of caster sugar in recipe - will it work? (full.
Nov 27, 2011. Use it basically anyplace a granulated sugar is called for. Now you can also replace regular powdered cane sugar with coconut sugar using .
Can I replace confectioners sugar with granulated when making.
How to Make Powdered Coconut Sugar - The Whole Life Nutrition.
Aug 8, 2011. Do It Yourself – How to Make Powdered Sugar | Powdered Sugar Substitute. Ingredients. 1 1/2 cups granulated sweetener of choice (see notes .
Is caster sugar the same as icing sugar - Ask Community.