how to make soured milk

how to make soured milk
How to make buttermilk out of regular milk? - Sour Milk.
Flickr: Discussing Sour Milk? in Native Nutrition.
I could make soured milk myself. - yogurt yogurtmaker cake | Ask.
how to make soured milk
Milkweed Diaries: What to do with Sour Milk.When I was a kid my Ma would use milk that went sour to make pudding (the good kind that's cooked, not instant). Nobody ever got sick or .
You can make sour milk quickly by adding distilled vinegar (one table spoon) for each cup of whole milk (or at least 2 Let it stand for about 15 minute and you .
Mar 2, 2004. Make homemade whey and cream cheese with the soured milk (leave the milk on the counter until it fully separates. Strain through a strainer or .
Putting sour milk on your face will only clog your pores and make you have awful acne. Lemon juice is awful for your skin in the long run, and .
Recipes Using Sour Milk -
How to Make Sour Milk - Buzzle.
Add milk alternately with sifted dry ingredients to egg mixture. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into mixture. Bake in hot waffle iron. Note: Make milk sour by .
sour milk : ( - Dollar Stretcher Community. Check out this web site for LOTS of recipes using sour milk: /rec/story/121/ I'd make pancakes or .
Does sour milk make you sick?? - Yahoo! Answers.